They said guys go into relationships for s*x And intimacy(How True?) … Why then do ladies go into relationships? Especially those that will tell you they are not ready for marriage.
A friend told me courtship is a scam and fraud. He said if I guy tells you ” I want to court you” it’s tantamount to saying “I want to s*x you” And I agreed with him on that as I have seen a marriage that didn’t last six months after 10 years of courtship And a Marriage of no courtship that lasts for Eternity.!
I realized *from personal survey* that :
90%of ladies have boyfriends for monetary/financial benefits *imagine a girl telling her boyfriend “You can’t be sexing me for free* (how’s she different from a prostitute?).
And they tend to dump the guy sorry ass should he default in meeting up with their demand. And move on to the next victim.
What happened to Being self Independent
8% of ladies have boyfriend for s*x. *Imagine a single lady coming to social media to lament about how she’s being s*x starved. () when does pre marital s*x become a necessity
What happened to Abstinence till Marriage
2% of ladies have boyfriend for support. They need someone they can talk to and share things with.
Which category Did you Belong?
NOTE:- I stand to be corrected. No bashing or derailing please.
Let us Interact in a Mature Manner.
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