It was January 15, 2015 and mrs Ngozi Matre was preparing for her three children
when NTV Kaduna interrupted regular programming with a news flash. The
governor of Bayelsa, Imo and Onda had been killed in a bomb blast while on a visit
to Abuja, the anchor announced in a dour tone.
Mrs Metu’s father and husband were killed during the Ogoni civil war of the
1990’s and had since moved to the North in search of solace. She had been
reluctant to0 move back home in the face of the book haram menace. But the
news flash convinced her she had to leave and leave quickly.
It was the beginning of Nigeria WINTER. that same night, Southern Nigeria
cities were awash in blood. Militant groups that had weapons stashed away
retrieved them for anyone willing to hunt down and kill Northerner’s. But the
northerners weren’t defenseless.
Years of internecine ethno-religious bloodshed in the North had convinced them
to be prepared. Some had powerful rifles, some had pistols, and some had only
daggers and spears.
Yet, they were no match for the over whelming force arrayed against them.
Several died fighting back. Others fought long enough to escape – at least
By the following morning, northerners had also set upon Southerners in
their midst. They attacked and looted arms from military depots and police
stations, most of which were already empty as the personnel had absconded.
Mrs Metu and her children managed to escape to Elem by resembled
kanuri transitional facial marks.
The bloodshed was so sudden, spontaneous and widespread that then
military could do little to forestall it. Even patrolling military men had to abandon
the streets.

Later that morning, the president and the head of the armed forces
appeared jointly on television to urge, calm and restraint. However, they said, the
scope of the blooded was such that the future of Nigeria could only be entrusted
to God.
Despite the plea, the rampage continued throughout the day. It was close
to midnight before it died down. By then there were not too many people left to
hunt down and kill. Besides, the rampaging killers were exhausted.But then two days later there was renewed bloodshed. Initially, it was not
clear who was killing whom and why. But the pattern soon became evident all
over the country saw an opportunity to eliminate their enemies
In the North, Boko Haram began a campaign to wipe out people they
considered not Muslim enough. There was rumour that a Middle Eastern country
had secretly landed troops to provide onsite training and logistical reaction,
various Northern communities formed vigilance groups, which hunted down and
killed suspected Boko Haram members.
Chaos was the order of the day and life had become barely bearable. There
was a terrible stench all over from decaying corpses and refuse. And people
reminisced about the good days when there was electricity.
Then like phoenix rising from the ashes, some semblance of government
began ton emerge again. With hardly any negotiations Nigeria had splintered into
six (6) republics. The core north became the Islamic Republic of the Sokoto
Caliphate. The middle belt became the Republic of Kogi. In the South, there
formed the People’s Republic of Oduduwa, the Bendel Republic, Republic of New
Biafra, and The Niger Delta.
These developments were so rapid that the international community
hardly had time to react. U.S frigates patrolled in international waters off Nigeria’s
shores, as their aircraft carrier steamed to join them.
The united Nation, European Union and thy united states all initially
expressed concerns. Then as the new political order began ton emerge. In the
Oduduwa was too associated with heathen practices. That incensed traditionalist
to whom the objection were sacrilegious.
Meanwhile, the Akintda people’s party introduced a billin the Oduduwa
Assembly calling for the university of Ibadan to be renamed the Samuel Akintola
University to honour the former premier. They argued that Akintola’s rival,
Obafemi Awolowo, had gotten all the honours and it was time to redress that.
The bill stirred passionate opposition. During one parliamentary session,
the debate degene rated into a free-for-all. Before order was restored, five proAkintola legislators lay dead.
That5 night several cities and towns in Oduduwa Republic were on fire.
Lagos, Ibadan, Ife, Abeokuta were hardest hit. Several legislators who opposed
the pro-Akintola bill were hunted down and killed.
Then Niger Delta Republic was in even greater concision. The government
had assured the international community that it would guarantee uninterruptedcrude oil production exportation. But that promise became impossible to fulfill
almost immediately.
Rival militants had resumed the fight for political supremacy. Meanwhile,
varies ethnic groups felt disenfranchised and demanded their separate republics.
The Ibibio-Efik axis had already established a virtual republic, despite
mutual suspicions. Meanwhile, the Ogoni and Andoni were complaining that what
was left of the Niger Delta Republic was being dominated by the Ijaw. This reignited the long-fought but recently dormant Ogani-Okrika war. During one of the
attacks, Mrs Metu’s home in Eleme was hit with a bomb. she and her three
children were consumed by the flame.
Meanwhile, the Abakaliki cultural area of new Biafra wanted a separate
republic. They cited cultural differences with the rest of the Igbo and started a
guerilla war of independence.
With so much carnage and chaos, the economy of the former Nigerian
republics collapsed. Refugees streamed to Cameroun, Ghana, Benin, and even the
impoverished Chad and Niger. Those who remained had to subsist on foreign aid,
including from Chad and Niger.
All over what was formally Nigeria, people were yearning for the good
old days of peaceful co-existence.
But parables are not constrained by time………

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