ACEworld Today

ACEworld Today

A man was in his garden one afternoon when he sighted a snake, he made attempt to kill it but the snake moved further to hide in the flowers, the man left the snake and went back inside the house,
The following day, he saw the snake again at the corner of the fence, he tried to kill it but he couldn't take enough time because he was aready late for work.

The man came back in the evening only to meet his wife and son bitten to death by the snake,he wept bitterly and killed the snake that was trying the climb over the fence outside but unfortunately the deed has been done.

Dangers are not something to procrastinate on, once noticed is once eradicated,
Immediately you sight something dangerous, don't wait till it cause harm before you harm it.

Note: Dangers might not necessarily be snake as used in the story, they might be an attitude you have, or friends or neighbours,
Just make sure to get rid of evil as soon as they are sighted before they end up causing you tears.

Micheal Ace
16 Jan, 2016

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