News: No Cash Chinese Lady Rips Apart ATM With Bare Hands

An angry Chinese woman succeeded in taking apart and ATM machine because it refused to dispense cash for her. An angry Chinese woman showed what she could do to anyone that crosses her in the wrong way by tearing apart an ATM machine with her bare hands after she couldn’t withdraw money. The furious lady drew lots of onlookers who were amazed at her prowess at taking down the machine in shopping mall. While onlookers took photos of her ATM rage, the woman kept mumbling to herself and pounding on the machine. A bystander reported: She also mumbled to herself that the ATM was her friend’s and that it’s was okay for her to break it. After dismantling the machine, she even stood there as if nothing had happened, but was then taken to the police station once police arrived. At the time, the woman’s manner of speaking and bearing both seemed not quite normal, so employees did not go forward to stop her, and only called the police as well as notify the bank to come and deal with the situation. A report of the woman’s action was reported inChinasmack, saying that the police reached her family in Guangxi through her mobile phone, and the party on the other end claimed to be the woman’s younger brother. The other party said on the phone that his sister suffers from mental problems: She’s like everyone else when she has her medication, but if she doesn’t take it, then she’ll have an episode. When that happens, she won’t even know what she’s doing. Shilong Police state that they preliminarily suspect the woman suffers from mental problems and have already taken her to the a mental for examination, and are awaiting a diagnosis before they process with the case further.
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