Criminal selfie! Drug dealing gang caught by police after taking boastful photos on their phones

A gang of bungling drug dealers have been jailed after they were caught posing for selfless with wads of cash and a massive bag of cannabis . The dim-witted crooks were arrested after police discovered the boasting photos on mobile phones seized from the mob during a police raid. In one of the photos Zakaria Chentouf, 24, is seen perched on a bed holding up a huge stash of cash with a smug look on his face. Another shows Sophian Chhayra, also 24, grinning as he clutches a large bag ofcannabis to his chest. The crooked gang were rumbled after the Metropolitan Police launched a covert operation after a series of violent attacks were reported in north Kensington, London. Following months of surveillance, police smashed down doors at 18 homes in May and discovered cash and drugs in a number of the properties. Mobile phones were also taken away, some of which held the incriminating selfless that helped tie the crooks to the crimes. Central High life: Sophian Chhayra grins as he holds a huge bag of cannabis Detective Constable Helen Lomas said: “This investigation overcame some major hurdles, particularly because there was a continued wall of silence and nobody willing to come forward and speak to police about the spate of linked violence earlier this year. “By securing the best evidence available with the help of the community, we have been able to bring this gang to justice. This individuals used their mobile phone cameras to gloat about their success in illegal trade – this pride helped secure their undoing, and these photos provided compelling evidence at court.” Sentencing the gang at Isleworth Crown Court today, Lord Judge Richard McGregor-Johnson said: “There was sustained high-level drug dealing in terms of cannabis and I have no doubt such overt behaviour leads to violence and causes distress and concern for the local residents who have to witness this sort of overt behaviour. “That conspiracy was over a six week period and, looking at the overall picture, was a highly active conspiracy, dealing to many customers each day.” Wad an idiot: Zakaria Chentouf shows off a huge bundle of cash Chhayra was jailed for ten months but walked free having already served it remand for conspiracy to supply class-B drugs. Ahmed Mahomud was handed ten months in prison already served on remand for conspiracy to supply class-B drugs. Yousif Mahomud was given 12 weeks youth detention for dealing in class-B drugs and a further eight weeks. Chentouf was jailed for 18 months for conspiracy to supply class-B drugs, possession of a class-A drug, possession of proceeds of crime in the form of cash and handling a stolen laptop. All five men, who are from north Kensington, pleaded guilty to the offences between mid to late September at the same court.
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